For All Your Life a performance and social experiment that examines the value of Black life and Black death.

January 11 - 12 @ Center for Performance Research in Brooklyn, NY / co-produced with New York Live Arts


January 11 - 12 @ Center for Performance Research in Brooklyn, NY / co-produced with New York Live Arts /

Meet your future agent Hi, I’m excited to share a program we’ve crafted that not only prepares for our collective future, but also aligns with your values. Our team of producers, designers, actuaries, and underwriters has conducted a combined multi-year research process to bring us to this exciting moment  As an award-winning artist, with over 20 years of experience, I will walk you through the process to invite you to join our community. Only here, at one of our presentations, will sign-up be offered  Bring For All Your Life to you with an in-person demonstration. For All Your Life, the presentation and performance, delivers information, opportunity, and drives the mission directly to audiences world-wide!  Book an agent   

Get Started Sign up now to learn how you can be a part of this unique one-of-a-kind investment opportunity Here, we value life This is the black square you can proudly share.

Become a Member Today

How It Works

When you subscribe to For All Your Life you’re contributing to the assurance of life. The life of Leslie Cuyjet. Investing in the safety of another, while empowering the prosperity of black life, prior to her inevitable death. An annual fee keeps your membership in tact.

What You Get

Invest with purpose to ignite change. You become a shareholder and own a piece of a worthy life. And when that life eventually and naturally expires, your investment will pay off. Rest assured your dollars are driving change for a lasting impact. Correct and change our collective past. Today, for the future, and for all your life.

Start Now

With a long and quality life, supported by your membership, you can watch the countdown timer below and see how long your investment has to grow! You can start small, but start now. The longer your investment, the greater the return. Don’t let this unique opportunity pass you by. Be a winner, so we can all win.